Island Offsets - Erase Your Carbon Footprint  
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what do we do - Island Offset's Services

Island Offsets is committed to saving the world right here at home. When you offset your carbon footprint through us, the money is used to fund projects in the Cayman Islands. Each of these projects involves specific actions that would not have been taken without your investment in the programme. You can feel confident that your money is going to fund real change in our local community.

We offer 2 projects -- choose which one you'd like to support:

1) Solar for Schools Program. 

We work in conjunction with GreenTech Environmental to fund a solar array for a local school. The amount of energy produced by the panels offsets your carbon emissions and helps to reduce global carbon pollution. 

Each school fitted with solar will have computer access to the panels allowing the students to monitor energy being created in real time. The panels reduce the traditional energy used by the school while benefitting community development and education of future generations.


2) Prevention of Deforestation Effort with the National Trust.

The National Trust uses funds raised by our Island Offsets programme to purchase land that would otherwise have been deforested. The trees are saved to absorb carbon from the atmosphere while the carbon that they hold in their tissues and in the soil continues to be sequestered for generations to come. This project also provides important co-benefits including the conservation of critical habitat for Cayman's unique biodiversity as well as the protection of the islands' natural beauty from indiscriminate development.

National Trust for the Cayman Islands

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